Chapter 4 Nested Case Control Study
4.1 simple tutor for nested case control (NCC) study
상기 사이트에서 피부암 연구에 대해서 NCC 연구 튜터를 올려놓았습니다. 여기는 이것을 정리한 수준으로 자세한 내용은 원사이트를 보시기 바랍니다. 우선 아래의 library를 설치하고, 불러옵니다.
if(!require(biostat3)) install.packages('biostat3'); library(biostat3)
if(!require(Epi)) install.packages('Epi');library(Epi)
if(!require(survival)) install.packages('survival');library(survival)
if(!require(tidyverse)) install.packages('tidyverse');library(tidyverse)
실습할 데이터를 불러옵니다. data(melanoma)
로 데이터를 불러옵니다. 이후 데이터를 Localised
이면서 cancer
로 사망하며, 12개월 *10년인 사람으로 데이터를 만들겠습니다.
= melanoma %>%
mel filter(stage =="Localised") %>%
mutate(dc = status =='Dead: cancer' & surv_mm <120) %>%
mutate(surv_10y = case_when(
>= 120 ~ 120,
surv_mm TRUE ~ surv_mm
우선 Cox-Proportional model로 생존분석을 수행해 보겠습니다.
= mel %>%
out_coh coxph(data=.,
Surv(surv_10y, dc) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp)
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(surv_10y, dc) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp,
## data = .)
## n= 5318, number of events= 960
## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
## sexFemale -0.53061 0.58825 0.06545 -8.107 5.19e-16 ***
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.33339 0.71649 0.06618 -5.037 4.72e-07 ***
## agegrp45-59 0.28283 1.32688 0.09417 3.003 0.00267 **
## agegrp60-74 0.62006 1.85904 0.09088 6.823 8.90e-12 ***
## agegrp75+ 1.21801 3.38045 0.10443 11.663 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## sexFemale 0.5882 1.7000 0.5174 0.6688
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 0.7165 1.3957 0.6293 0.8157
## agegrp45-59 1.3269 0.7536 1.1032 1.5959
## agegrp60-74 1.8590 0.5379 1.5557 2.2215
## agegrp75+ 3.3804 0.2958 2.7547 4.1483
## Concordance= 0.646 (se = 0.009 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 212.7 on 5 df, p=<2e-16
## Wald test = 217.9 on 5 df, p=<2e-16
## Score (logrank) test = 226.8 on 5 df, p=<2e-16
생존분석 자체에 대해서는 통계학 교과서를 꼭 공부하시기를 바랍니다.
코호트에 몇명이 있는가 확인해봅니다.
= length(mel$id)
n_ind = sum(mel$dc ==1)
n_case cbind(n_ind, n_case)
## n_ind n_case
## [1,] 5318 960
control 집단을 선택해 보겠습니다.
각 옵션의 의미는 를 참고하시고 아래 표에 정리하였습니다.
옵션 | 의미 |
entry | Time of entry to follow-up |
exit | Time of exit from follow-up |
fail | Status on exit (1=Fail, 0=Censored) |
origin | Origin of analysis time scale |
controls | The number of controls to be selected for each case |
match | List of categorical variables on which to match cases and controls |
include | List of other variables to be carried across into the case-control study |
data | Data frame in which to look for input variables |
silent | If FALSE, echos a . to the screen for each case-control set created; otherwise produces no output. |
= ccwc(entry =0,
nccdata exit = surv_10y,
fail =dc,
origin =0,
include=list(sex, year8594, agegrp, dc, id),
silent = FALSE,
## Sampling risk sets: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
## Warning in ccwc(entry = 0, exit = surv_10y, fail = dc, origin = 0, controls =
## 1, : there were tied failure times
conditional logistic regression
<- clogit(Fail ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp + strata(Set), data=nccdata)
out_ncc = nccdata%>% select(-Time)
nccdata2 = clogit(Fail ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp + strata(Set), data=nccdata2)
out_ncc2 <- glm(Fail ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp + Set,
out_logi family = binomial,
= nccdata %>%
out_coh_ncc coxph(data=.,
Surv(Time, Fail) ~ sex+ year8594 + agegrp +strata(Set))
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(Time, Fail) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp +
## strata(Set), data = .)
## n= 1920, number of events= 960
## coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
## sexFemale NA NA 0.00000 NA NA
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.24737 0.78085 0.07069 -3.499 0.000467 ***
## agegrp45-59 0.29566 1.34402 0.09997 2.957 0.003102 **
## agegrp60-74 0.55120 1.73534 0.09715 5.674 1.4e-08 ***
## agegrp75+ 0.95963 2.61073 0.11400 8.417 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## sexFemale NA NA NA NA
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 0.7809 1.2807 0.6798 0.8969
## agegrp45-59 1.3440 0.7440 1.1049 1.6349
## agegrp60-74 1.7353 0.5763 1.4345 2.0993
## agegrp75+ 2.6107 0.3830 2.0880 3.2644
## Concordance= 0.63 (se = 0.015 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 84.63 on 4 df, p=<2e-16
## Wald test = 84.75 on 4 df, p=<2e-16
## Score (logrank) test = 87.14 on 4 df, p=<2e-16
4.2 Sampling schemes for nested case-control studies
Disregarding time - cumulative case-control sampling > most appropriate for short duration of observation